The Montesquieu Forum, founded in 2008 with a grant from the Jack Miller Center, advances the study of the classical and European heritage that informed the American Founding.
The Forum supports course work on political philosophy, covering texts from the Bible and such ancient writers as Plato, Cicero, and Plutarch to the early modern writers like Francis Bacon, William Shakespeare, John Locke, and, of course, Baron de Montesquieu.
The Montesquieu Forum also presents an annual series of public lectures and conferences on these topics, hosted mainly on the Roosevelt University campus. It has also hosted three Summer Academies for high school teachers, two high school essay competitions on the Declaration of Independence, and an essay competition and conference for Roosevelt University Honors Students.
Check the University Events Calendar for upcoming Montesquieu Forum events, as well as other lectures and conferences in the College of Humanities, Education and Social Sciences.
Meet the Forum's faculty and browse syllabi of past course offerings.
The Montesquieu Forum was founded in 2008 by a generous grant from the Jack Miller Center and has received funding from the John Templeton Foundation, the Apgar Foundation, the Brinson Foundation, Arthur Weil, and Alton Harris.