Welcome Back to Roosevelt

Former degree-seeking Roosevelt students who have not been enrolled for three consecutive semesters (excluding summer) must submit a Readmission Application to the Office of Admission. Students who have attended another college or university since last attending Roosevelt University must apply for readmission and send transcripts from all institutions attended to the Office of Admission.

How to reapply

  1. Submit an application for Readmission
  2. Submit transcripts from any colleges or universities attended after last attending Roosevelt. Please do not include Roosevelt or Robert Morris as listed schools or transcripts.
  3. Once your application is submitted, an admissions counselor will review your record and see if there are additional holds. These must be cleared before readmission to the university.

Have a hold?

Academic Reinstatement Hold

Financial Holds

  • Students with outstanding debt to the university must clear this before returning to Roosevelt
  • Please contact the Bursar’s office at 312-341-3573 to begin the process

Center for Adult Continuing Education (ACE)

Are you an adult college student returning to complete your education? Roosevelt offers reduced tuition, online classes, and abundant resources so that you can efficiently earn your degree and begin your next chapter through our BA in Interdisciplinary Studies.

ACE is for:

  • Adult students 24 or older
  • Who have completed at least 20 college credits
  • Must be a returning or new student to Roosevelt

Available concentrations:

  • Criminal Justice
  • Health Science Administration
  • Organizational Leadership
  • Psychology

“We do not have to become heroes overnight. Just one step at a time, meeting each thing that comes up, seeing it is not as dreadful as it appeared, discovering we have the strength to stare it down.
– Eleanor Roosevelt

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