The Roosevelt University PharmD program is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE).
135 South LaSalle Street, Suite 4100
Chicago, Illinois 60603-4810
Phone: (312) 664-3575 and (800) 533-3606
Fax (312) 664-4652
Number of applicants: 157
Class size: 35
Math/Science GPA: 3.25
Overall GPA: 3.4
In-state residents: 89%
Average Age: 25
The first-time NAPLEX pass-rate for Class of 2024 is 63.9%, compared to a state average of 72.8% and a national average of 77.5%. For the past five years (Classes of 2019 - 2023), the ultimate pass rate is 88% (percentage of graduates that took and passed the exam).
On-time graduation rate for the Class of 2024 is 77.3%, with an anticipated completion rate of 91%. For the past 5 cohorts (2019-2023) on-time graduation rate is 86% and the program completion rate is 92%.
Job placement is reported in the year following graduation, per ACPE. Data are collected via graduation and follow-up surveys and through social media (LinkedIn), as well as via direct outreach with graduates. Job placement for Class of 2023 is as follows: 52% employed within pharmacy, 24% completing residency or fellowship, 2% working outside the profession, and 22% were lost to follow-up. In summary, 100% of graduates from the Class of 2023 that responded to our outreach are employed.
In the Class of 2024, 14 graduates sought an accredited residency by going through the Match. Of those, 13 matched, for a 93% residency match rate. Additionally, one graduate applied and was accepted for a post-graduate fellowship. Full job placement data for this cohort will be available in Fall, 2025.
Every student admitted to the Pharmacy Program has the opportunity to participate in lab-based, literature-based or clinical research with faculty. Many students take advantage of this opportunity, and several present their research at professional meetings, and some contribute to publications and are listed as authors. See a list of recent work by student authors or presenters below.