The Faculty/Staff Directory provides personal contact information for individual faculty and staff members. This data is maintained in Banner. Necessary changes to faculty/staff titles should be addressed to; changes to office location or other contact information should be addressed to the clerical staff of the department in which the faculty/staff member works. If you are looking for general contact information for an office or department, please search the Office/Department Directory.

Jenn Freeman
Adjunct Faculty
Jenn Freeman
Alana Friedlander
Adjunct Faculty
Office of Psychology
Alana Friedlander
Jay Friedman
Artist Faculty Music , Trombone
Chicago College of Performing Arts Office of Music Conservatory
Office: AUD 926
Jay Friedman
Sandra Frink
Asoc Prof History
College of Humanities, Education & Social Sciences
Women's and Gender Studies
Office: AUD 840
Sandra Frink
Jay Fulgencio
Adjunct Faculty
Walter E. Heller College of Business Marketing
Jay Fulgencio
Alisha Fuller
Adjunct Faculty
Alisha Fuller
Cynthia Funnye Doby
Adjunct Faculty
College of Science, Health and Pharmacy Office of Bio/Phys/HealthSci
Office: WB 816
Cynthia Funnye Doby
Jim Gailloreto
Artist Faculty , Jazz Saxophone and Composition
Chicago College of Performing Arts Interdisciplinary Studies
Office of Music Conservatory
Office: AUD 926
Jim Gailloreto
Seva Gandhi
Adjunct Faculty
College of Humanities, Education & Social Sciences Office of Sociology & Anthropology
Seva Gandhi
Faig Garayev
Adjunct Faculty
Robert Morris Experiential College
Faig Garayev