The Faculty/Staff Directory provides personal contact information for individual faculty and staff members. This data is maintained in Banner. Necessary changes to faculty/staff titles should be addressed to; changes to office location or other contact information should be addressed to the clerical staff of the department in which the faculty/staff member works. If you are looking for general contact information for an office or department, please search the Office/Department Directory.

Phylis Marconi
Faculty Part Time
Phylis Marconi
Mia Marcus
Assistant Professor of Psychology
College of Humanities, Education & Social Sciences Psychology
Office: AUD 807
Mia Marcus
Brian Margulis
Asst Clinical Prof Hosp Mgmt
Walter E. Heller College of Business Office of Hospitality & Tourism Mgt
Office: WB 1112 DD
Brian Margulis
Charlotte Markle
Artist Faculty Theatre
Charlotte Markle
Angelica Marrufo
Adjunct Faculty
Angelica Marrufo
Robert Marshall
Adjunct Faculty
Office of Organizational Leadership
Robert Marshall
Megan Marshall
Adjunct Faculty
College of Humanities, Education & Social Sciences Language & Literacy
Megan Marshall
Louis Martinez
Adjunct Faculty
College of Humanities, Education & Social Sciences Office of Criminal Justice
Louis Martinez
Ralph Martire
Arthur Rubloff Prof Pol/Admn
College of Humanities, Education & Social Sciences Public Administration
Office: AUD 864
Ralph Martire
Matthew Mason
Visiting Assistant Professor of Musicianship
Office of Music Conservatory
Office: AUD 941
Matthew Mason