About Me
Ellen Shepard is CEO of Community Allies, a Chicago-based firm that designs processes to empower local communities, build equitable local economies, and catalyze collective impact. Community Allies works with non-profit, government, community, social enterprise, and philanthropic leaders across the United States.
Recent work includes a project in eight cities aimed to advance equitable outcomes for small businesses owned by people of color by strengthening the local business support and capital ecosystems. Community Allies is currently leading a collective impact effort in San Antonio, Texas, supporting the creation of a small business ecosystem coalition and funders network.
Ellen Shepard is the creator of the "Radical Inclusion" model of community empowerment and the author of National Main Street's "Community Engagement for Main Street Transformation" guidebook. Ellen was formerly the executive director of the Andersonville Chamber of Commerce in Chicago, where she was one of the pioneers of the “Buy Local First” movement.
For ten years, Ellen served on the board of directors of the national Business Alliance for Local Living Economies (now Common Future). She has served on the City of Chicago’s Mayor’s Small Business Advisory Task Force and Retail Advisory Committee and currently serves on the Advisory Council for the “We Will Chicago” comprehensive planning effort. Ellen is a regular speaker and writer on the subjects of economic localization and community empowerment. Speaking engagements have included the International Economic Development Council and National Main Street. Her writing can be seen most recently in the Chicago Tribune, Chicago Sun Times and YES! Magazine.