To celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month (which is observed from September 15-October 15), Roosevelt will host several events throughout campus to celebrate Latino and Hispanic culture in the United States as well as confront challenges these communities face. These will include:
Collaborative Pathways: Bridging Barriers to Education (September 24, 5:30-7:30 p.m.)
Held at the La Casa Norte Community Center in Chicago’s Humboldt Park neighborhood, this event will include a panel discussion on expanding educational access to marginalized communities. Panelists will include Jose M. Muñoz (CEO of La Casa Norte), Blanca Jara (Chief of Staff for Partnership for College Completion) and Juan Carlos Linares (President and CEO of Association House). The panel will be followed by a reception. Interested attendees can register here.
Puerto Rican Paint Night (September 20, 8 p.m.)
Wabash Building residents can celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month by making art with RA Indi while learning about Puerto Rican culture!
Sin Miedo Al Exito: Rethinking How Cultura Affects our Relationships with Money (October 2, 2:30 p.m.)
Held in the STEM Center, this discussion will focus on the unique intersectionality of identity, income and class faced by Hispanic and Latino communities.
William Estrada, A PUBLIC PRAXIS: art education + research + community dialogue (October 9, 2:30 p.m.)
Hosted by the McNair Scholars program in the Ida B. Wells Lounge, this event welcomes guest speaker William Estrada, whose teaching and art-making practice addresses inequity, migration, historical passivity and cultural recognition in historically marginalized communities. This community dialogue will emphasize access to arts education and representation in visual mediums.