The Faculty/Staff Directory provides personal contact information for individual faculty and staff members. This data is maintained in Banner. Necessary changes to faculty/staff titles should be addressed to; changes to office location or other contact information should be addressed to the clerical staff of the department in which the faculty/staff member works. If you are looking for general contact information for an office or department, please search the Office/Department Directory.

Martin Da Costa
Adjunct Faculty
Martin Da Costa
Caitlyn Dabbs
Adjunct Faculty
Caitlyn Dabbs
Claudine Daley
Director of Accounting and Investments
Office of Finance
Office: WB 1710A
Claudine Daley
Heather Dalmage
Prof Sociology, Director Mansfield Inst
College of Humanities, Education & Social Sciences Office of Sociology & Anthropology
Office: AUD 848
Heather Dalmage
Cynthia Damacio
College & Career Coordinator, Upward Bound 1
Cynthia Damacio
Anthony Dampier
Campus Safety Officer
Anthony Dampier
Bradley Dancer
Adjunct Faculty
Bradley Dancer
Jamie Daniel
Faculty Part Time
College of Humanities, Education & Social Sciences Economics
Jamie Daniel
Alecia Dantico
Adjunct Faculty
College of Humanities, Education & Social Sciences
Office: AUD 364 B
Alecia Dantico
Evgeny Dantsin
Prof Computer Sci
College of Science, Health and Pharmacy Computer Science
Office: AUD 336B
Evgeny Dantsin