For life-threatening emergencies, immediately call 911.
Health and wellness are important for academic success during college. Students and parents are encouraged to familiarize themselves with the following information:
Roosevelt University does not have a student health center on either campus. However, Michigan Avenue Immediate Care (MAIC) is a health facility located near the Chicago Campus.
180 N. Michigan Avenue, Suite 1605
Chicago, IL 60601
Fax 312-201-1202
Monday-Friday: 8 a.m.–6 p.m.
Saturday: 9 a.m.-1 p.m.
No appointments needed
MAIC offers:
Students are responsible for making payment arrangements directly with MAIC. MAIC accepts most major medical plans including Roosevelt’s student health insurance program as well as cash, Visa and MasterCard.
MAIC is an independent entity that is not affiliated with Roosevelt University.
Roosevelt students have utilized services from the following providers near the Chicago and Schaumburg Campuses. That this information is provided as a convenience and cannot be considered an endorsement of service:
251 E. Huron
Chicago, IL 60611
800 Biesterfield Rd.
Elk Grove Village, IL 60007–3397
Students living at the residence halls at the Chicago Campus should follow these steps:
Students who have a medical or psychological condition that may require assistance while living on campus should notify their RA and/or the Counseling Center (for psychological conditions only). While confidentiality remains tantamount, it is important that the residence hall staff is aware of personal needs and ways they can assist if a concern or crisis arises.
Please note that this information is subject to change. It is provided as a convenience and cannot be considered an endorsement of service.
A central hub of programs and resources to help you manage your emotional well-being when the stress and demands of life impact your path toward success. Learn more
Students are required, by Illinois law, to have an immunization record on file if they were born on or after January 1, 1957, and are planning to enroll in six or more credit hours at any time during their attendance at Roosevelt University. This record must contain proof of immunity to measles, mumps, rubella, and diphtheria/tetanus. A second measles immunization with live attenuated virus vaccine is to have been given at least 28 days after the first measles immunization. You must provide these immunization records only once during your enrollment at Roosevelt. Students who do not have immunization records to verify these vaccinations should immediately contact their physician to obtain a copy of their records or have the appropriate immunizations administered.
Download the immunization form and instructions.
The completed immunization record should be returned to:
Roosevelt University
Admission Processing Center
1400 N. Roosevelt Blvd.
Schaumburg, IL 60173
It is recommended that you make a copy of the record before submitting it. Documents submitted to the university cannot be returned to the student. If you have immunization questions, feel free to contact us at 877-277-5978 or