- The Housing Application is completed online via the Housing Portal. Once inside of the application, you will be able to select your room type and roommates!
- Once all of the steps of the application are completed, you will be asked to review and electronically sign the Housing Contract.
- When you electronically sign the contract, you are agreeing to the contract terms. It is very important that you read the entire contract and understand all of the terms and conditions.
- Upon completion and submission of the Housing Application and Contract, the student is contractually obligated to pay the cost of room and board.
- The housing contract is binding for the contract period which is the entire academic year (fall and spring semesters).
- After completing that step, you will be emailed a confirmation indicating that your contract has been signed.
- The university does not offer housing contracts by semester. However, an exception is made for new students, who enter in the spring semester.
- Roosevelt University also offers summer housing that runs from mid-May to mid-August.
AY 2025– 2026
- Fall semester: August 24, 2025 - December 14, 2025
- Spring semester: January 18, 2026 - May 12, 2026
The housing application will remain open for each term until there is no more space available. If no housing is available, students will be placed on a waitlist. Students will be assigned to a permanent room as soon as one becomes available based on when their contract and deposit were received.
A Housing Contract Cancellation Request is for those students who have signed a housing contract and are requesting to cancel that contract for a specific reason.
- The housing contract is strictly adhered to with exceptions made only under extenuating circumstances.
- The University will only release a student from contractual financial obligation for the reasons listed on the Housing Contract Cancellation Form.
- To review what documentation is required to cancel a contract go to the Housing Contract Cancellation Request link on the Housing Portal.
- Students, who wish to cancel their housing contract may do so by submitting a Housing Contract Cancellation Request form through the Housing Portal.