Three Latina students in Roosevelt t-shirts smile at each other.

Roosevelt University is proud to announce that is has received a grant worth over $2.8 million to accelerate graduation pathways and expand professional development services for Hispanic and low-income students. The University recognizes that these groups are historically underrepresented in advanced degree programs and STEM fields, and these funds will directly assist their professional development while embodying Roosevelt’s commitment to educational equity.

Awarded through the U.S. Department of Education, these grant funds will directly finance Roosevelt’s Navegando Hacia el Éxito (“Navigating Towards Success”) initiative, and this opportunity was possible because of the University’s designation as a Hispanic-Serving Institution (with over 28% of overall Roosevelt students and 35% of undergraduates identifying as Hispanic or Latino).

Navegando Hacia el Éxito is designed to improve Hispanic students’ social, emotional, academic and career development by fostering a sense of belonging and inclusion, and this program will enhance preexisting campus services and create new ones to assure equal professional access for these groups. This will include: 

  • The creation of accelerated graduation pathways that allow students to apply master’s degree credits towards a Roosevelt doctoral program. Students will be able to graduate faster and at a lower cost, with the ability to enter their chosen field more quickly. These programs will include an accelerated master’s degree in clinical psychology (counseling practice) contributing to a doctor of psychology (PsyD), as well as an accelerated MS in information technology and accelerated MS in data science contributing to a PhD in information technology PhD. New faculty will join Roosevelt to assist with these accelerated programs.
  • An expanded support system for Hispanic and low-income students with micro-internship opportunities, mentorship programs and the creation of a new Graduate Resource Center to assist post-secondary students prepare for post-education employment. Students will be able to apply for valuable internships and networking opportunities with Roosevelt alumni to join professional fields where Hispanic students are historically underrepresented such as education, medicine, clinical psychology and information technology.

“Roosevelt is committed to equity and ensuring that underserved populations have access to education and careers they want to pursue,” says Mike Maly, Interim Provost & Executive Vice President of Academic Affairs. “This grant will bolster our already exceptional STEM programs and professional development services, and we’re thrilled that these funds will help us further assist RU’s exceptionally diverse student population.”

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