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All calls and inquiries from the media should be directed to Mike Kaluzny at (312) 341-6461mkaluzny@roosevelt.edu or the Office of Marketing and Communications at (312) 341-2343.

Please contact the Office of Marketing and Communications at (312) 341-2343 with requests for filming on campus for prior approval.

Roosevelt Launches 80th Anniversary Celebration with Civic Night

Wabash and Auditorium Buildings from south

Immigration Advocate Karina Ayala-Bermejo Honored at Roosevelt’s Annual Women’s Leadership Council Holiday Luncheon

Karina Ayala-Bermejo and Maria Wynn Lascarr at 2024 Women’s Leadership Council holiday luncheon

Celebrating Roosevelt Alumni Making an Impact in Journalism

Recent copies of the student newspaper, the Roosevelt Torch.

Alumna Maureen Sylvia Lighthall Balances Pain and Joy in Her Remarkable Painting Career

Maureen Sylvia Lighthall

Celebrating 50 Years of the Paralegal Studies Program with Two Distinguished Alumni

Wabash and Auditorium Buildings from south

Alumna Alexa Smith Brings Social Justice Advocacy to Theatre and Classical Music

Alexa Smith

Alumna Raji Shyam Eying Treatment for Vision-Impaired Patients

Raji Shyam

Samantha Reid Brings RU’s Spirit of Advocacy to Her Communications Career

Samantha Reid ’14

Alumni Peri Arnold Brings Roosevelt’s Social Justice Philosophy to His Writing and Research

Peri Arnold

Alumni Rashad Robison Finds Success at Google

Rashad Robison

Roosevelt University Board of Trustees Welcomes Six New Members

Roosevelt University Seal

Adrian Flores And Baylee Allen-Flores: From Study Buddies to Life Partners

Alumni Adrian Flores and Baylee Allen-Flores in their wedding attire